Paris, France

The City of Paris wanted a visitor hotline poster.

The Paris tourist hotline wanted a bilingual, French-English, poster to display around the city to promote their hotline and features of the city visitors might want more information about.

I drew upon one of my university typography assignments, a geographic word cloud, where I had adopted an abstract approach, selecting many words strongly associated with the City of Paris and carefully arranging them into the shape of the geographic outline of France.

To evolve the design into a real-world poster, I felt it was important to keep firm on an all-typographic approach, so I surrounded the word cloud with large letters spelling “PARIS” but bleeding off the sheet. The use of color further reinforces the French identity, using red, blue, white. Where needed, English translations are set in gray, directly below the French text in black, avoiding the use of any unsightly slashes or parentheses.

    Project Details

    Paris Tourist Hotline Poster


    • Brandy E Miller
    • Paris, France
      • (fictitious – SNHU student work)
    • Print-ready Poster (PDF)
    Tools / Resorces Used
    • Adobe® Illustrator®
    Print Portfolio Sheet